Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Video review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Video review - Essay Example This is a goal that will take me many years to accomplish, but I know that I can do it. I also know that I want to work in a way that will allow me to travel more than I can right now. Traveling the world is something that really is appealing to me. I already speak a few languages and hope to develop this skill through more travel. There is a lot of pleasure to be had in traveling, but I believe that there is even more to be had in living and being immersed in a different culture. I hope to use my PhD in a way that will allow me to travel and live abroad for extended periods of time. I know that it sounds as though these two goals are only professional goals, but my profession is a huge part of my life. I want to have a life defined by accomplishing these two goals. Exercise #2 I have felt like some of the students featured in this video. I can still remember being in classes where the way the teacher addressed various students was very demeaning. He seemed to feel that unless you fi t into a very narrow definition of what a good student was, and then he had not time for you. I have been made to feel inferior because of my ethnicity and because of my gender. I know that traditional biases have been against women and minorities, but the biases do not end there in the classroom. I have witnessed white, male students demeaned in history classes because of the history of colonialism of the European powers. I remember thinking to myself, â€Å"Why is this professor treating this guy so badly, just because he is a male of European descent?† I mean, it isn’t like he personally owned slaves or colonized Africa. Having seen and been the subject of biased treatment from professors has made me determined to never treat my students this way. While watching the video, it occurred to me that much of the cultural bias displayed was generated from a desire to be in control and to be powerful. There is no better way to keep power than to convince everyone else that they are somehow inferior to you. I want to have a community of learners in my classroom, not a situation where I need to tear others down just to prove my superiority in some way. Exercise #3 In my class, all students will be honored. I recognize that we are all adults in this course and we all are here to better ourselves in one way or another. Most of us are here on our own accord, so we deserve to have a meaningful educational experience free from sarcasm, bias or harassment of any sort. As a result, I believe that the following guidelines need to apply in this classroom. The first guideline concerns student comments. There are a variety of ways individuals from various cultures express themselves orally. In this class, everyone will be expected to only offer encouraging and academically appropriate comments. This does not mean we can never disagree or think critically. It means that we need to keep our communication focused on what was said and not how it was said. The second guideline concerns student learning. Everyone learns differently. One person may feel that a project or research assignment is a great opportunity to learn, while another views it as drudgery. I would like you to keep an open mind about the assignments in the course, saving criticism for the assignments and not directing it at other group members or myself. By doing this, you ensure everyone can learn in the manner that is most fitting for their individual learning style. Finally, I need to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Social Responsibility and Timberland Essay Example for Free

Social Responsibility and Timberland Essay How would you characterize Timberlands exercise of its corporate power in society? Timberland uses its corporate power in society not only to make a profit, but to help others. It is a rarity for a company to go as far as Timberland has gone to make a huge difference in society. Whether participating in its City Year to Service program that serves its communities; or becoming carbon neutral, Timberland has paved the way and reflects a company that not only cares about its communities, but also cares about the environment. I would characterize Timberland’s exercise of its corporate power in society as â€Å"Corporate Social Responsibility†. That is, timberland is being socially responsible towards society and it is acting in a way that enhances society. By exercising its power, Timberland is practicing the â€Å"iron law of responsibility† which says that in the long run, those who do not use power in ways that society considers responsible will tend to lose it. Moreover, by acting in the general public interest, Timberland is following the â€Å"Stewardship Principle† Yes, Timberland is engaging multiple stakeholders in its business operations, starting from Timberland’s management (CEO- Jeff Swartz) who is has managerial duties at Timberland and he is personally involved in the social activities sponsored by Timberland. Timberland’s employees are main stakeholders who in addition to their job tasks at Timberland are participating voluntarily in its social activities. The community service organization (City Year) is another stakeholder which is supported financially by Timberland. Non-profit organizations which benefit from the grants Timberland makes annually are also stakeholders for the company. Other communities and society members who benefit from Timberland’s community services activities are another set of stakeholders to Timberland. Q2) Has Timberland balanced its economic and social responsibilities through its various programs, such the Path to Service program and sustainability goals? Are the company’s programs examples of enlightened self-interest?

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Civilization Cure Or Disease :: essays research papers

Upon flipping to the business section of the New York Times an Ohio University student saw a startling headline glaring back at her â€Å"American Corporations Suspected In Millions of Third World Deaths.† As she read the article it became apparent that international corporations many of which were based in the United States exploit the poorest of the poor. These companies paid workers extremely low wages and exposed them to hazardous materials with out any protection. Working conditions were unsafe and often lead to health problems. It appeared that slavery was alive and well in the name of â€Å"Global Industrialization.† Even more shocking was the fact that this new form of slavery was also present within our own borders. Migrant workers and illegal aliens were becoming an increasing percentage of America’s labor force. These workers were paid well below minimum wage for jobs, which often put their health if not their life in jeopardy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It appeared that America’s industrial empire was built upon the exploitation of the poor throughout the world. Often women and children were the victims of the â€Å"Global Market Economy.† The article stated that millions of goods were produced by children as young as 6 in third world and developing nations. Companies producing these goods claimed that it was not â€Å"slave labor† they claimed it was the â€Å"efficient use of human resources for production.† It seemed that companies in their desire of â€Å"progress† and profit were oppressing the world’s poorest nations and their citizens. This is not a new phenomenon it has gone on through history; the strong oppress the weak. What is amazing though is the fact that industrialized nations all consider themselves to be the most civilized societies in the world. Industrial powers view less developed nations as backwards which is a synonym for barbarous. But are the societies of industrially advanced nations truly the most civil? This is the question Montaigne raised over 400 years ago in his paper entitled â€Å"Of Cannibals.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout history it seems that the most technologically advanced societies are the most powerful. And the most powerful nations view themselves as the most civilized people in the world. But what exactly are the defining attributes of a civilized society? According to Webster’s Third International Dictionary a civilization is: an ideal state of human culture, characterized by complete absence of barbarism and non-rational behavior, optimum utilization of physical, cultural, spiritual, and human resources, and perfect adjustment of the individual within the social framework.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Solar Energy Essay -- essays research papers

Solar Energy Solar energy is the most ancient kind of energy found on earth, for it is as old as the sun. "Solar" means from the sun. The earth is only one of the many planets which is bathed in the sun's overflowing energy. Every second the world receives 95.8 trillion watts of power†¦just think about that for a minute. Think about how much power the earth just received in the time it took you to read this sentence? It is well beyond the amount of power used in one day. It has the potential to satisfy all our energy needs forever without ever having to use the pollutive fossil fuels ever again. "The problem however, does not lie in the limited source, as do fossil fuels, but in harnessing it." Every day solar energy is being used all around us. In fact, it is the indirect source of all energy and life on earth. Hopefully, with continued research, we will be in a place one day where we can directly rely on the sun for all our energy needs, and never have to use pollu tive fossil fuels, or nuclear power ever again (Cross 124). It is hard to say when solar energy was first used by humans to make life easier. As far as we know, people have always used the sun's visible range of light to see by, as well as to sit in the sun to keep warm. "Some of the first ancient cultures to use solar energy as heating were those from the deserts, and dry areas." In Egypt, Libya, and Algeria, where the sun is fiery hot in the day, but reaches freezing temperatures at night, builders discovered that thick walls of mud could solve this problem. During the day, they would absorb all the sun's energy and leave it cool as a cave inside, and at night, the walls would radiate their stored heat, and keep it fairly warm inside. These ancient people also discovered how to use the sun's energy to preserve food by either drying fruits or meats in the sun, or baking them. They found techniques to bleach cloth and cure animal hides. Whether by accident, or deliberate experimentation, these ancient cultures discovered that the sun was an incredible source of power (Bower 36). Throughout history people have experimented with the many uses of the sun's power. In the 17th century, scientists in Europe began rediscovering the sun. When a French scie... energy would be a more realistic option. Does every house need two computers, 3 TV's, a dishwasher, microwave, electric stove, video games, 3 stereos, nightlights in every hall, porch lights left on all night, lights on in every room in the house, blow dryers, toasters, electric heaters, air conditioners, electric gates and garage openers... the list goes on and on. One of the major problems that I see in our western culture is our obsession that we must each have our own. No one is willing to share anything, because it might be inconvenient. All we can think of is ourselves, no thought for future generations or the environment. We need to get a reality check. There is not enough materials or energy left in the world for this to continue to go on. Solar energy is a serious option that we should all be considering. We need to learn to act as a community, not only as individuals. I don't know what the future holds, but I can't see this working much longer. Change will have to oc cur soon, or we will exhaust all our resources and chances of life on earth.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

American Off-Shore Drilling: Crisis or Fortune Essay

Living within a country that thrives off of technology creates an infinite demand for power. From the extensive automobile power structure to the agricultural industry that America is reliant on, oil and natural gas are specifically necessary to make this part of the â€Å"go ‘round†. Within the gulfs, seas, and oceans that surround the United States of America lies illimitable amounts of natural oils, which are nestled in the crust of the earth. Over the years, the retrieval, refining and use of this natural resource has been controversial for a mass variety of reasons, both sides presenting substantial reasoning as to the pros and cons to off-shore oil and natural gas drilling. Each American must determine their opinion once reviewing both sides of this issue. What cost is America willing to pay to grow in power at the world’s expense, or what amount of power is America willing to do without in order save the earth? Off shore drilling is too vital to America’s economy to be done away with and due to advances in technology, it has become safer for both the environment and its inhabitants, more reliable, pragmatic, and affordable to both the manufacturers and consumers. Oil and natural gas companies such as Chevron, BP, and PennEnergy support the lives of millions upon billions of people through the natural gas and oil they drill from below the water of the oceans surrounding America. These companies are essential to let America be self-reliant in terms of power. As stated by Gingrich, the U. S. spends $700 billion dollars each year on foreign oil imports. (148) The United States are more than capable to support themselves through the amount of natural resources available within it’s territory. â€Å"America is suffering from an artificial energy crisis that is also a dangerous national security crisis- artificial, because America is gifted with enormous reserves of energy; dangerous, because it makes us vulnerable to unreliable and potentially hostile countries. † (Gingrich, XI) Statistics show that there is an estimated 18. 2 billion barrels of oil and 85. 7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas that could safely extracted from US area. (Gingrich, 139) The resources are readily available and by keeping commerce within national borders, a country will continue to support its economy. Becoming dependent on other countries for items that are readily available within the borders is a complete waste. The United States government has put an extremely severe lock on more than eighty percent of all available area to conduct off shore drilling within the federal borders. Gingrich, 14) With rising prices, off shore drilling would be an intuitive choice on congress’ part that would create more job opportunities, more products available to export, and certainly more stability in the energy crisis. The Scotsman newspaper published a statement that said that the off shore drilling industry would supplement â€Å"enormous opportunities† worldwide. With advances in technology, â€Å"Subsea processing, separating, compressing, and pumping are on the leading edge of offshore production technology, especially for deep and ultra deepwater and also harsh environments. (Kliewer, 1) The last major oil spill to occur within the Gulf of Mexico was in 1980. It is also fact that ninety-five percent of the oil that is found within the gulf is not caused by human activity at all. Being that oil is a natural resource and readily available right below the surface, the majority of all oil comes naturally from the earth’s crust on its own. (Gingrich, 99) From the late twentieth century to today, companies have made it a personal goal to make their business as environmentally safe as possible, which benefits all parties involved. There are still continuous efforts to perfect this industry. Oil and natural gas companies believe that the use of technology and innovation and incentives will make it unnecessary to raise taxes to clean up the environment. (Gingrich, 145) These companies want to work with conservationists and environmentalists to properly balance the extraction of natural resources with the wellbeing of the environment. This mindset portrays how maturely, sagaciously, and efficiently the oil and natural gas companies wish to continue their business. Conservationists and environmentalists believe that offshore drilling is nothing but detrimental to the natural occurrence of earth. Offshore oil drills are immutably harmful to both the flora and fauna of the sea, land, and air from a conservationist’s point of view. Within the northern most division of the United States, Alaska, polar bears are at serious risk that could lead to extinction if and when an oil spill was to occur. â€Å"†¦Oil covered polar bears have little chance to survive spills, because the oil the bears ingest while trying to clean themselves could cause death. † (Polar†¦) Deep offshore drilling projects have been said to lead to the emission of lethal gasses. Drilling in water depths greater than 500 feet releases methane, a greenhouse gas at least twenty times more potent than carbon dioxide in its contribution to global warming. † (Juhaz, 311) When a company goes into an area to drill for oil they must first evaluate the area with sonar machines to determine if there is any amount of oil to be obtained. â€Å"Seismic survey devices and military sonars have been implicated in numerous whale beaching and stranding incidents, including a mass stranding of sixteen whales in the Bahamas in December 2001. (Juhaz, 313) Marine animals and fish have much more sensitive hearing than humans and therefore the sonar machines can damage their ability to attract mates and fend against predators. Environmentalists also scrutinize oil companies for the number of injuries that employees suffer while working on offshore oil rigs. The HSE inspects all oil rigs throughout the gulf. Within the past few years, the number of injuries has dropped a considerable amount. It is believed though, that the only reason these numbers were lower is due to the fact that a smaller number of actual injuries were reported. Low†¦) Seaside communities can also feel the negative effects of oil spills. These communities have no choice in what washes up on their shores, where the majority of their popularity can come from. If an oil spill were to occur, it is not a guarantee that they would receive any compensation for the damages. Costal tourist communities would especially suffer. â€Å"‘If there’s one spill or one disaster, you could destroy us for a very long time. ’† (Juhaz, 314) Not only would their homes and communities be affected, but also their livelihood. Offshore oil and gas companies have exemplary motives, standards, and hopes for their business. Environmentalists constantly attack these companies with verbose denunciation that is often not valid. For instance, Juhasz wrote in his book The Tyranny of Oil that somewhere between 1,500 and 2,000 tons of waste material is released into the water annually. This is misleading and obscure considering that the â€Å"waste material† consists of rock, mud, and minerals, all of which are overly abundant in the oceans without any human interference. 312) Many environmentalists also choose to ignore the fact that oil rigs have become essential and permanent habitats for marine life. â€Å"†¦A growing debate is emerging between those who wish to see the rigs disappear entirely and the ones who believe that doing so would destroy an important habitat. † (Rothbach) Even non-intentionally, the owners of oil rigs are benefitting the environment in which they conduct business. It is very possible that they are doing more good than harm to the fish and plants that they first intruded upon. It seems that environmentalists can be somewhat hypocritical in their attempt to extol their platform. It is clear that environmentalists will fight against offshore drilling no matter what strides are made or facts are presented. The key is working to make a situation that benefits the consumers, companies, communities, and of course the environment. This is a very difficult task at hand but manageable. As mentioned before, oil and gas companies are making noticeable strides in â€Å"going green† to benefit the environment. â€Å"Through creative decision making, solutions can be present themselves in a way that all parties will find reasonable, even if not ideal. (Rothbach) In order to prevent the dispersing of dangerous drilling fluids, companies are working to develop a water based, high alkaline solution of silica-based solutions called silanes. (Nowak) Companies are also working to â€Å"set tight standards on carbon dioxide emissions, it will drive more fuel efficient vehicles, which will in effect reduce our dependence on foreign oil. † (Martin) Also, â€Å"subsea facilities are viewed as a path to bring production to market faster while extending life in the field. † (Kliewer) The country of America is most definitely reliant on energy. With each household having an average of two cars each, fuel is a considerable necessity. (Marlin) Environmentalists try to belittle the need for power that America has. This cannot be done. Power is a need that should be on the top of the list to be addressed. The process of which to obtain it is something that should be done with the environment in mind. With the steps already being taken to create an ideal balance, success is visible on the horizon. With advances in technology it is more than possible for the oil industry to be clean, efficient, and environmentally friendly. â€Å"America could rival-even exceed- the world’s biggest energy powerhouses. † (Gingrich, 39) The offshore oil industry is a gold mine just waiting to be taken advantage of. America has just scratched the surface of its potential below its oceans and seas. Considering the fact, that the advances in safety and efficiency have recently been perfected, the timing is perfect to really dive into the fortune that will take America to the top of the power chain in the world.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Analysing Chemical Reactions in Combining Two Particles Essays

Analysing Chemical Reactions in Combining Two Particles Essays Analysing Chemical Reactions in Combining Two Particles Essay Analysing Chemical Reactions in Combining Two Particles Essay Introduction The procedure of fall ining two atoms ( reactants ) , in order to organize new product/products is called a reaction. The gait of a specific thing can be measured utilizing the rate i.e. , it describes how slow or fast a thing is. Rate is a measuring of the alteration that occurs in individual unit of clip, and its appropriate measurings are seconds, proceedingss, hours or even yearss. The gait with which the reactants react, is termed as the rate of the chemical reaction. Normally, for happening the rate of a reaction, either the sum of reactant used per unit of clip or the sum of merchandise produced per unit of clip should be calculated. During the procedure of reaction, the rate does non stay changeless and it varies throughout the procedure. It is higher in the initial phases and it gets reduced as the reactions advancements. In my position, the longer the procedure of reaction, the higher the reactions from the more reactants, Ieaving the fewer reactants with less opportunity o f responding My probe chiefly deals with a factor, which affects the rate of the reaction. The hit theory explains the rate of reaction. The cardinal thought behind this theory is that the hit among the atoms has to be difficult plenty for the reaction to take topographic point. The rate of reaction chiefly depends on how difficult the reacting atoms collide with each other. Collision theory When two chemicals react, their molecules have to clash with each other with sufficient energy for the reaction to take topographic point. This can be termed as the Collision Theory . The two molecules will respond merely if they have sufficient energy. Heating the mixture, will promote the energy degrees of the molecules involved in the reaction. Rising temperature denotes the faster motion of the molecules. This is termed as the Kinetic theory . Factors which affects the rate of reaction A accelerator changes the rate of a chemical reaction but it remains chemically unchanged throughout the procedure. It speeds up the chemical reactions. A accelerator plant by supplying the responding atoms a surface to lodge on, from where they can knock into each other. This increases the figure of successful hits. Merely really infinitesimal measures of the accelerator are required to bring forth a dramatic alteration in the rate of the reaction. This is true as the reaction returns in a different tract in the presence of a accelerator. An excess accelerator will perfectly do no difference. We could besides alter the size of the solid particle/surface country to increase hits by interrupting it into smaller pieces. This implies the atoms around it, in the solution will hold more country to work on so, there will be more utile hits. This produces a quicker reaction. If one of the reactants is a solid, the surface country of the solid will impact how fast the reaction goes. This is because the two types of molecule can merely knock into each other at the liquid solid interface, i.e. on the surface of the solid. So, the larger the surface country of the solid, the faster the reaction will be. Smaller atoms have a bigger surface country than larger atom for the same mass of solid. For case, masticating the nutrient increases the surface country and quickens the digestion. The concentration or force per unit area increases the figure of hits because if the solution is more concentrated, it implies there are more atoms of reactants strike harding between the H2O molecules, which make hits between the important atoms more likely. For gases, by increasing the force per unit area, you squeeze the molecules together and this will heighten the frequence of hits between them. This is besides described as the Collision Theory . Activation energy is the sum of energy required for the reactants to successfully respond. The reactants need a certain sum of energy, and any addition in excess energy, consequences in the successful hit. My Experiment I have chosen to look into, how the concentration of reactants affect the rate of reaction because it would be easier to mensurate and command the concentration variable. Temperature would hold been harder to command because it is difficult to mensurate it to a specific point and maintain it at that temperature because it s easy affected by the environment. Surface country would hold been harder to look into because the french friess were in varied sizes and forms. This made the measuring of the surface country hard, although if they were in a precise forms or sizes like regular hexahedrons, this would hold been possible. I found it difficult to believe of a suited accelerator to add in this reaction so, altering the rate of reaction by adding a accelerator would hold been hard for me. It was far easier to look into how concentration affects the rate of reaction. I will transport out this experiment by changing the concentration of hydrochloric acid added to a given sum of powdered m arble bit and mensurate the clip it takes to give off a certain sum of gas. The equation for this reaction is: CaCO3 ( s ) + 2HCl ( aq ) == gt ; CaCl2 ( aq ) + H2O ( cubic decimeter ) + CO2 ( g ) Apparatus Gas syringe Burette Conic flask Glass Delivery tubing Beaker Funnels Distilled H2O Top Pan Balance Stopwatch Hydrochloric Acid ( 1 Mole ) Land Marble french friess Thermometer Clamp Bung Prediction My hypothesis describes, the higher the concentration of hydrochloric acid, the faster the C dioxide will be given off. This is because as the concentration of the acid is increased, there are a greater figure of H+ ions ( produced by the acid ) in the same volume. Hence, there is a greater opportunity of the H+ ions clashing and hence responding with the atoms on the surface of the marble french friess. Here are some diagrams explicating this phenomenon: In the first diagram, there are a comparatively little figure of atoms and hence the opportunity that they collide will be reasonably low. They will clash less often. In the 2nd diagram, there are approximately twice every bit many atoms in the same volume. Therefore, the atoms will clash a batch more frequently. I besides predict that the gradient of the graph when I compare al the consequences will be a curve, get downing low, and so immersing really high at the terminal: Method Clamp gas syringe degree with a conelike flask and spile on a tabular array Weigh 6g of land marble french friess utilizing a top pan balance and topographic point it inside the conelike flask Use a burette to mensurate the volume of HCL and another to mensurate the volume of H2O. Decrease the measure by 10 % each clip ( 200ml of reactants ) Place both in a beaker, so pour it into the conelike flack catcher Ask a spouse to get down the halt ticker while you put the spile in topographic point Record how long it takes for the volume of gas to make 50ml Repeat experiment 3 times Calculate the norm it takes for the volume of gas to make 50ml Plot a graph to demo this To maintain my probe consistent and do certain there are no other factors, which could impact the rate of reaction, I will be utilizing the same equipments and same sum of grounded marble french friess in each experiment. I will utilize land marble french friess because it would give me a more accurate consequence than marble french friess. This is because, the surface country of the marble french friess would approximately be about the same where as larger pieces of marble french friess would hold different sum of surface country. This would impact the rate of reaction because there will be different sum of surface country for the reactants to work on. By doing the surface country approximately the same, the rate of reaction wo nt be affected by it. From my preliminary consequences, I conclude I would utilize 3g of marble french friess because after each reaction, there were some residuary marble french friess. If there was a deficit of marble french friess and the hydrochloric acid was nt used up, the volume of gas would nt be able to make 50ml so, in order to accomplish this, we need to mensurate the sum of marble french friess to be able to compare the consequences. We besides need to mensurate the sum of marble french friess to do the consequences more accurate. The measure of marble french friess would increase the rate of reaction because there would be more marble french friess to clash with the acid. To do the experiment less affected by other variables and do the consequences more precise, the measure on marble french friess demands to be consistent. I will utilize a top pan balance for mensurating the marble french friess because it measures to the nearest 0.01g. It will be more accurate than mensurating the marble french friess by the figure of spatulas I ve put in because the consequences would change. I will utilize a burette to mensurate the measure of hydrochloric acid and H2O because it would be more precise than utilizing a measurement cylinde r. This is because a burette measures to the nearest 0.1ml, where as a normal measurement cylinder merely measures to the nearest milliliter. This would do the consequences more accurate. I will utilize a gas syringe to mensurate the volume of gas because it is easier and more accurate than utilizing a H2O trough. This is because a H2O trough might allow some gases escape and it s difficult to command the volume of H2O inside the mensurating cylinder. This will do the consequences less accurate. Using a gas syringe will allow the gas flow more easy and will non allow any gases flight. I will clamp the gas syringe so it s non tilted and is flat with the conelike flask. This manner, the gas syringe will be less affected by gravitation and the gas will flux at a steady rate. If it was non in topographic point, gravitation would draw the terminal down so the timing it takes for the volume of gas to make 50ml would be altered and the consequences would non be right. I will take aid from person to assist me add the solution of acid and H2O into the conelike flask with the marble french friess, while I place the cork into the conelike flask. This is because I can get down the halt ticker when the reaction starts quicker. If I were to make this alone, by the clip I placed the solution and so get down the halt ticker, some of the reaction would hold already started so the clip it takes for the gas to make 50ml would be wrong. I will maintain the temperature the same each clip because it has a important consequence on the rate of reaction. To do certain temperature does non impact the probe, I will utilize a thermometer to mensurate the temperature of the acid and H2O because it will be the quickest. I have chosen the temperature of the acid and H2O to be 22 A ; deg ; because it was the temperature of the room at that clip and the temperature is less likely to alter this manner. If the solution it higher or lower than this temperature, we will put the beaker of H2O and acid into a larger container of hot or cold H2O to convey the temperature to 22 A ; deg ; . This will be easier than utilizing a Bunsen burner because that would alter the temperature excessively dramatically. From my preliminary consequences, I found mensurating the clip it takes for the gas to make 50ml would be best. This is because every reaction reached 50ml with the different per centum of concentration used. Using measurings below 50ml would be harder because the clip it takes to make it will be excessively speedy so, I will non be able to halt the stop watch exactly on clip. This would do the consequences more likely to be wrong. I will reiterate this experiment thrice in order to acquire accurate consequences. This is because we can compare our consequences with two others and do an norm. It will besides do it easier to descry any outliers. I have chosen to alter the concentration of acid by 20ml each clip because when I tried to alter by 10ml, the clip it took for the gas to make 50ml was excessively long. From preliminary consequences, I found that by doing the solution 100ml besides takes excessively long or the reaction to happen, so now I will do the solution 200ml. Now, the fury of consequences will be less and will be easier to compare. Safety I will be utilizing acerb, so at all times I must be really careful and MUST wear goggles. If any spills onto the tegument, it should be washed off instantly. Other Methods I could hold carried out this experiment in different ways. First I could respond the marble french friess with hydrochloric acid and utilizing a top pan balance, and step the weight of the reactants at the beginning of the reaction and step the weight at the terminal of the reaction for a certain period of clip and detect the measure of gas given off utilizing different concentration of acid. The method is acceptable for reactions bring forthing C dioxide or O, but non really accurate for reactions giving H ( excessively low a mass loss for truth ) . The reaction rate is expressed as the rate of loss in mass from the flask in e.g. g/min based on the initial gradient Second, I could hold used Sodium Thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid and see how the concentration of acid affected the clip taken for the reactants to bring forth a cloudy precipitate. The experiment involves watching a black grade disappear through the cloudy sulfur and clocking how long it takes to vanish. How the concentration of acid is measured The unit for concentration is moles per decimeter cubed or mol/dm? . One dm? is one liter so in other words it is how many moles per liter. A mole is 6.023 ten 1023 atoms and is called the Avogadro invariable. It is the figure of atoms which are found in a mass of 12 gms of carbons: How many moles of atoms would at that place be in 7 gms of N? The reply would be mass divided by the R.A.M. or 7 divided by 14 which is 0.5 moles. Table demoing how to thin hydrochloric acid to the desired concentration Concentration of acid ( M ) Amount of 2M acid ( milliliter ) Sum of H2O ( milliliter ) 0 0 200 0.1 10 190 0.2 20 180 0.3 30 170 0.4 40 160 0.5 50 150 0.6 60 140 0.7 70 130 0.8 80 120 0.9 90 110 1.0 100 100 Consequences By and large, the graph shows the higher the concentration of acid, the less clip it takes for gas to give off, which means, the faster it reacts. I drew a line of best tantrum which in fact proved to get down reasonably directly but so swerve upwards. The gradient of the lines starts increasing easy, so curves really steep. From 200ml-60ml of hydrochloric acid, the clip increases from 1.13s-10.63. The clip span additions by 9.5seconds. The mean rate of reaction increased here by -5.2ml/s. From 60ml-20ml of hydrochloric acid, the clip soared from 10.63s- 379.89. The clip increased by 369.26s. The clip increased by -123ml/s. Overall, the mean rate of reaction was rate of reaction decreased by 37.9ml/s. The ground why the line of best fit curves at the terminal is due to the fact that with the lower concentrations, as the HCl is used by responding with the marble french friess, the sum of H+ lessenings and hence it is less likely that the H+ ion collide with the marble french friess. T his explains why the line is so much flatter at the beginning compared to with higher concentrations. If a batch larger measures were used in the experiment, so we could hold got over this job and the curve would non demo up. The ground why the rate of reaction additions with the concentration is because when the concentration of the acid is increased, there are a greater figure of H+ ( aq ) ions in the same volume and hence there is a greater opportunity of the H+ ( aq ) colliding and hence responding with the atoms on the surface of the marble french friess. All the points on my graph are reasonably near to the line of best tantrum and there are no anomalousnesss, which in bend mean that my consequences are reasonably accurate. Evaluation: To measure, I am traveling to measure how good I carried out my probe and whether any betterments are necessary. My method was reasonably accurate. However, the fact that I used an linear thermometer to mensurate the temperature of the hydrochloric acid in my method besides means that I could hold made an mistake in mensurating the right temperature and it may hold been better to utilize a digital thermometer. Additionally, I could hold heated the H2O in a hot H2O bath to do certain that the H2O was at the right temperature. One major defect in the method I was utilizing included the remotion and application of the cork on to the conelike flask incorporating the reaction. When I started the reaction by adding the Ca carbonate french friess into the hydrochloric acid, I had to set the cork on consecutive off. However, this is non physically possible and it is inevitable that there will hold been some clip lost and even more significantly some gas would hold escaped before I would hold put the cork on. To work around this job, I could divide the marble french friess from the hydrochloric acid even in the conelike flask by infixing a division between the two reactants. This will let me the clip to set the cork on and so I can take the divider. One more job with my method is the clip when I am supposed to take a reading. When I said to my spouse when to halt, she might hold stopped after 50ml gas was given off. To do it more precise, informations logging equipment could hold been used, which would hold carried the same undertaking out automatically. However, I do believe that my experiment was conducted really good, as I had taken all the safety safeguards ( wore goggles, cleared the country etc. ) and checked all of my equipment prior to transporting it out. After each clip I had completed the method, I washed the needed equipment exhaustively to guarantee that no extra Ca carbonate was left over for the following clip I carried out the method. My consequences are besides dependable because I have got adequate points ( 10 ) to set on my graphs that I can pull a steadfast decision from ) . Yet, I still obtained some anomalous consequences. I found a few anomalousnesss in my consequences, which are circled on my graphs on the old pages. I believe these may hold occurred due to a little job with the gas syringe, where the syringe may hold been a spot stuck and therefore resulted in a slower reaction clip for when the gas is collected. Another ground for the anomalous points could include me taking wrong readings, where the syringe may hold been traveling excessively fast and to the bare oculus, the reading may look different to what it really is. I believe, to make a fairer and overall more dependable experiment, utilizing the experiment where you mark a black cross under a conelike flask and delay for precipitation to organize and do the cross disappear would be a more appropriate technique. Besides, I could mensurate the velocity of this reac tion by utilizing a light gate to observe the precipitate formation. The system consists of a light beam emitter and detector connected to computing machine and the reaction vas is placed between the emitter and detector. The light reading falls as the sulfur precipitate signifiers. This would be more accurate because it would diminish human mistake compared with the experiment I carried.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Excavation of Tutankhamun essays

Excavation of Tutankhamun essays Tutankhamuns tomb was found to be fully intact during Howard Carters excavation in 1922. Tutankhamuns tomb is a home to many of the mysteries which surround ancient Egyptians burial practices, their beliefs and the afterlife. Paintings found on the walls around Tutankhamuns tomb reveal the importance of mummification. They tell stories of the Opening of the Mouth ceremony, which was considered to be very important because only then could the Ka and Ba spirits be at home in the dead mummys body. The pictures show all of the gods which the ancient Egyptians believed in. They portrayed the god of the dead, Osiris, as being the one of the most important gods and they revealed that by pleasing him, they would be welcomed into the afterlife. The paintings also reveal the importance of many animals which were worshiped by Ancient Egyptians. The scarab beetle became the symbol of resurrection and this is why it is painted throughout all of the pictures in Tutankhamuns tomb. The sun was also recognised to be a very important symbol because it symbolised the god Ra, who was the creator of life. The Ankh symbol was always used in these painting as well because it was the symbol of life. The items found in Tutankhamuns tomb reveal how important a pharaohs journey to the afterlife really was. Egyptians believed that they could only have an everlasting life if the soul could return to the body for food and rest. The tomb was filled with furniture, hunting equipment, clothes, jewellery and food. They believed that Ka could only survive if it had nourishment and a habitation to live in. The 600 objects found in Tutankhamuns tomb all have meanings and a purpose, which was to support the pharaoh on his journey to the afterlife. One of the most important objects found in the tomb was the model boats. There were 17 model boats found in the tomb and these boats were similar ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Shyness essays

Shyness essays Personality is an abstract science about a very warm, personal, concrete subject matter (Klinger,21). In my first paper I described my personality according to the first five chapters of Derlega. In this paper I am going to describe how my greatest fear, shyness, relates to the last half of class and the whole picture. Shyness may be defined experientially as discomfort or inhibition in interpersonal situations that interferes with pursuing one's interpersonal or professional goals. It is a form of excessive self-focus, a preoccupation with one's thoughts, feelings and physical reactions. Shyness reactions can occur at any or all of the following levels: cognitive, affective, physiological and behavioral, and may be triggered by a wide variety of arousal cues. Among the most typical are: authorities, one-on-one opposite sex interactions, intimacy, strangers, and having to take individuating action in a group setting (Lynne Henderson, Ph.D. Shyness Clinic, 1996). These are just a few that I fall into. To put it in other terms, shyness is a shrinking back from life that weakens the bonds of your human connection with others and us. There are many symptoms that overt shyness. Some are as follows; speech dysfluencies, sweating, dry mouth, trembling or shaking, fear of negative evaluation and loo king foolish to others, depression, anxiety and low self-esteem are just a few that I experience. Research has distinguished shyness from introversion, although they are typically related (Zimbardo, P. G. 1977/1990). Shyness: What it is, what to do about it. Introverts simply prefer solitary to social activities but do not fear social encounters as do the shy, while extroverts prefer social to solitary activities. Although the majority of shyness is introverted, shy extroverts are found in many behavioral settings. They are privately shy and publicly outgoing. They have the requisite social skills and can carry them out flawlessly i...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Transformational Leadership in Sianguna Highschool Case Study

Transformational Leadership in Sianguna Highschool - Case Study Example Siangua Highschool implements a leadership system wherein the all stakeholders participate through a school committee called the Site Council. The Principal acts as a facilitator. In this leadership system all are encouraged to participate and thus are given the opportunity to voice out their ideas, concerns and suggestions. This is the very essence of transformational leadership wherein "the leader must master the process that involves a whole organization in what amounts to a collective creation." Because of the need to get everybody involved, active participation cannot be avoided. Hence, with everybody given time to voice their thought, debates, and a lot of discussions ensue before plans or decisions are reached. Interviews contained in the report evidences that there are a lot of e-mails, messages, memos are passed prior to every meeting thus are just part of the additional costs that the school has to suffer. Processes are lengthened such that before a decision is reached on a n issue it will have to pass through a lot of debates and discussion. Thus by the time a decision is reached the same may be too late to pass upon urgent matters. The possible solution to hasten the process of decision making is to create small groups to address specific concerns.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Recommendation report in comparing two water provision methods for an Essay

Recommendation report in comparing two water provision methods for an arid region - Essay Example As such, the burgeoning human population, loss of natural environments, and desertification that is taking place around the globe all have a profound impact upon the availability and quality of the water resources that can be leveraged. 1 Aim This particular analysis will be concentric upon comparing to water provision methods in an otherwise arid continent; Australia. It is the hope of this author that be detailing the strengths and weaknesses of two approaches to water provision, the most appropriate, efficient, reasonable, and cost efficient means can be integrated as a means of providing the population with access to the most basic and fundamental resources required for life; liquid water. 2 Information specific to region ( water situation )- evidence. With regards to the lack of water that the continent of Australia currently must integrate with, the reader should understand the following points: Australia exhibits the lowest overall level of rainfall of any of the 7 continents Australians exhibit some of the highest per capita water usage rates in the entire world Global climate change threatens to cut future rainfall even furtherin Australia More specifically, with regards to the total per capita water usage that the average Austrlian exhibits, studies indicate that this is in excess of 120 liters per day. As compared with over 66% of the rest of the world that uses 60 liters or less in any given day, this is a two fold increase per capita; thereby representing something of an insatiable demand for a scarce resource that is only growing scarcer. Moreover, when one looks at the current water storage facilities that exist within the major metropolitan cities of Australia, these storage facilities are only operating at around 30-40% capacity; denoting the fact that the ability to store and retain water is negated by the incessant demands of the populace. This of course denotes the need for conservation as well as finding, utilizing, and exploiting further h ydro resources within the continent. 2 Background 1 Water problem around the word although it may seem convenient to approach the water resource shortage in Australia from purely a regional perspective, the fact of the matter is that water shortages, as well as overall purity of these water resources, is an issue that globally effects 780 million people. As has briefly been discussed within the introduction and regional information overview, two factors that continue to have a profound and noticeable effect on the existence of water shortage issues is the growth of the world’s population in tandem with the changes to precipitation that global climate change have affected. Due to the fact that many previously populated regions of the world have experienced a great degree of desertification, the extent to which the natural environment can continue to provide the ever increasing demands of the native population comes into question. Environmentalists and researchers are in agreem ent that unless fundamental changes are made with regards to the way the world’s water resources are utilized, within the next few decades the access to water will become a far greater issue than it is currently. 3 Presentation of options As a means of ameliorating the

Corporation Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Corporation Finance - Essay Example Receiving a 10-year annuity may seem like an intelligent choice, for this will omit the chances of spending too much. This might be preferred by those who are closely controlled; this--- indeed, would have been a great preference, had I been certain that I’d still be here to celebrate my next birthday. It may sound morbid---but that’s reality. It would also be nice to receive $50,000 a year---for the rest of my life---only that no one knows how long that life would be. A person in his sixties may also find vacations less appealing than when he was in fifties. Leisure times and recreation activities are for those who can afford it---and those who can enjoy it. The gift is here, so why not enjoy it, while you make the most out of it†¦ Uncertainty of cash flow is a risk that every company takes, but then, several means and measures can be considered, and this is the significant role that the firms play. Like any other dilemma, these improbabilities, if not identified immediately, will definitely cause financial crisis---at times, worse than what the company anticipated. Like any other predicament, this can also be prevented, or improved, once its cause and solutions are evaluated. Firms, indeed, play a major function on this. Therefore, when financial status seems to be unbalanced, it is more than necessary for them to perform their finest approach that they could possibly provide. It is when they are expected to supply their much needed, required assistance. It is imperative that appropriate response and action be instantaneously put on the subject. In order to make correct capital-expenditure decisions, management needs a correct set of standard by which to select projects for execution so that long-run economic benefits to present owners will be maximized (Solomon). Not having an absolute grasp of the project may bring about conundrum to the agency---and this requires

Thursday, October 17, 2019

(Ethics and Communication) Illinois among states to settle with Article

(Ethics and Communication) Illinois among states to settle with GlaxoSmithKline - Article Example Although the two main ingredients: Kytril and Bactroban were not fully contaminated, the tablets possessed not a full dose of an active ingredient which did not satisfy the appropriate percentage of the substance listed in the bottle. Although the company denied of fraud, the head attorney confirmed that the accusation was legit and the attempt to earn revenue through illegal practices were exercised. Without a doubt, this article depicted the controversy related to a company who was charged of fraud because of varied content of substance in their capsules. Although the company has an excellent reputation for following compliances implemented by the government; these type of instances should still be taken into account. Ethically speaking, the company should have made some attempt to at least inquire with the FDA to discuss the gravity of this situation. However, the company instead is denying the charges that it made to benefit itself in the long-run. Clearly, this type of hostile a ttitude does not only poses a risk for corporate ethics; it also serves as a reminder of these type of scenarios can be detrimental to society itself. Corporations must make it their obligation to take responsibility in any sort of moral dilemmas so they lives of many can be saved.

Discuss the evolution of CSR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Discuss the evolution of CSR - Essay Example 14). Businesses have traditionally been known to exist for the key purpose of making profits. However, from as early as the start of the 20th century, entrepreneurs, mostly in the Unites States, recognised the importance of using resources in ways that would benefit both their businesses as well as the societies they worked with (Brewerton & Millward 2001, p. 76). As the idea gradually took root over two decades later, more organizations saw the significance of the entire business behaving in ways that were considered responsible socially, just like it applies to individual citizens. Although not evenly developed globally, the concept of CSR is becoming a key feature of organizations in regions that embrace it as it penetrates corporate consciousness and culture (Visser, Dirk & Manfred 2007, p. 69). That aspect has called for studies that examine its history, societal roles especially in times of crises and where is heading to. This paper will outline and discuss the evolution of CSR . It will include its history, role in the financial crisis and its prospects for the future, supported by examples. One rationale behind the genesis of SCR was the assumption that some theorists have termed wrong; that which perceived businesses as solely money-making organisations for the owners (Dincer & Dincer 2007, p 44). This assumption supported the idea that those who engaged in business only had personal and selfish interests. The implication was that it was up to consumers to assume the role of caring for the society’s welfare and take actions that support their interests (Dincer & Dincer 2007, p 46). However, most entrepreneurs recognise that while that still remains a real reason for the presence of their business in the society, they are also aware that they came together to collectively achieve what they could not as individuals. This perspective added a new objective to their reasons of existence; that of contributing to a society without which they could not s urvive. This awareness is embedded in the fact that the businesses only exist when there are societies to produce goods and services for; to produce raw materials for the businesses; and to offer a labour force in the businesses (Bhattacharya, Sankar & Korschun 2011, p. 83). However, the concept of giving back to society as initiated by the American businessmen at the start of the 20th century had to be abandoned in the advent of the early 1930s’ Great Depression. At that time, the only goal for businesses became to survive, while citizens only needed an employment that generated income. Then in 1939, a co-founder of the largely successful Hewlett Packard rekindled the need for companies to value to their existence and that of the societies, which took a slow start due to WWII and was later revived in the 1950s (Morrison, R 2008, p. 9). His opinion was that consumers will only be condescending to products that in turn support noble causes, charity and the environment. The rev ival is believed by some theorist to have resulted from a global corporation by regions that backed each other during the course of WWII and the recovery period that followed. By the 1980s, CSR was already a vital aspect of modern business and supporting

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

(Ethics and Communication) Illinois among states to settle with Article

(Ethics and Communication) Illinois among states to settle with GlaxoSmithKline - Article Example Although the two main ingredients: Kytril and Bactroban were not fully contaminated, the tablets possessed not a full dose of an active ingredient which did not satisfy the appropriate percentage of the substance listed in the bottle. Although the company denied of fraud, the head attorney confirmed that the accusation was legit and the attempt to earn revenue through illegal practices were exercised. Without a doubt, this article depicted the controversy related to a company who was charged of fraud because of varied content of substance in their capsules. Although the company has an excellent reputation for following compliances implemented by the government; these type of instances should still be taken into account. Ethically speaking, the company should have made some attempt to at least inquire with the FDA to discuss the gravity of this situation. However, the company instead is denying the charges that it made to benefit itself in the long-run. Clearly, this type of hostile a ttitude does not only poses a risk for corporate ethics; it also serves as a reminder of these type of scenarios can be detrimental to society itself. Corporations must make it their obligation to take responsibility in any sort of moral dilemmas so they lives of many can be saved.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Supervision Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Supervision - Assignment Example Training supervision is meant to gauge and evaluate the candidate’s ability to transfer theory learnt in class to practice in applied setting. General work supervision seeks to ensure professional standards are met with focus on client interest and level of supervisee competency for further certification. In training supervision is done by trained teaching personnel and marks awarded while general work supervision is done by senior supervisors in the applied setting through routine quality checks on performance. An individual must possess an associate degree or a comparable experience in the field of human service work .However; the candidate must have attained a GPA which meets the minimum standard of the Board. Persons with not less than 60 college units and not less than 4 courses which are relevant with counseling or social work is eligible for license as long as they secure a job in counseling social work. However, if one does not possess college certificate, they must work for a whole year under the supervision of Bachelor’s Social Workers or Master Social Workers. Supervision ensures that standards of professionalism in service delivery are met. This help in promoting a candidates competency and experience while at the same time protecting the interest of the client. It offers an opportunity to discover one’s potential and enhance competitiveness and compliance to the set down rules and regulations. Some of the ethical dilemma includes reconciling professional requirements with the need to form an informal relationship with the clients. Besides, supervisors are expected to be strict on academic requirements sometimes against the possibility of better practical ability that one may

Edgar Allen Poes Essay Example for Free

Edgar Allen Poes Essay From the very first line written in the Cask Of Amontillado; The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge. We are thrust into a ride, much like one you might find at the amusement park or the carnival, with the distinct difference that although this ride is in fact on rails, how it will affect us and how we will interpret the events during is completely up to us. Edgar Allan Poe does a remarkable job of employing several psychological techniques in his short story The cask of Amontillado , but I will only focus on one, which even by todays standards is flawless. The technique is the mystery. Who is Fortunato? What has he done to Montresor that has caused so much emotional and psychological damage? Obviously the answers to these questions will elude and intrigue the audience. So we are instantly on the hook. To find the answers to these questions we must avert more of our attention and interest to the piece at hand. Poe, now with our utmost and full attention, begins to plunge us into the mind of his protagonist. Not so by simply introducing us to Montresor but instead by showing us his actions, his thoughts, his mannerisms. He accomplishes this by exposing us to Fortunato and the conversations between them that will ensue. On the surface Montresor seems like a normal man with no ill will. Although quickly we begin to learn otherwise. My dear Fortunato, you are luckily met. How remarkably well you are looking today. So begins the series of dialogues Song 2 and conversations that would appear to be like any other had by two good friends. At first Montresor is nothing but amicable, he compliments his good friends on his looks, dress and even praises his good taste and reputation. And yet some fools will have it that his taste is a match for your own. The audience now fully engaged in the story though the methods of mystery, curiosity and perhaps even endearment or empathy for Fortunato continue to delve deeper into the event unfolding before our very eyes. Just as the protagonist and the antagonist begin to descend upon the catacombs and the halls of the Montresors manor, so does the conversation and the dialogue taking place between them. We will go back; your health is precious. you are rich, respected, admired , beloved; you are happy, as once I was. You are a man to be missed. For me it is no matter. We are now beginning to be exposed more openly to the sociopathic ways of our protagonist; Montresor. Willingly and cheerfully guiding our poor and still at the moment helpless, Fortunato , as he is still under the spell of Montresor. When we finally arrive to the depths of the catacombs the reader is now aware that some horrible event is bound to ensure, but the conversation and the presentation made by the writer has now fully invaded the reader. Little by little inch by inch as we descended down through the catacombs, we have been made more anxious, more uncomfortable. Now all the built up tension that has been gathering is ripe for the telling. Pass your hand Is the cue that signals the reader. We are here, this is where our journey has been leading you, here is the end. Over the wall; you cannot help feeling the nitre. It is then that Poe unleashes his Single effect all done with a fine attention to detail. The message is clear. you are now here, you will go nowhere, this is where you will rest. Presumably after achieving his single effect the reader will sense a series of emotional responses; ranging from fear to terror to relief. Relief that the built up tension and anxiety has now been released. The rid e has finally come to an end and it is now time to go home and think upon the emotions you have felt here today.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Impact of ICT in Contemporary Diplomacy

The Impact of ICT in Contemporary Diplomacy HOW HAVE THE CHANGES IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY AFFECTED THE ROLE OF THE MODERN DIPLOMAT? INTRODUCTION It is no longer news that the revolution of Information and Communication technologies (ICTs) has revised the practice of conventional diplomacy. Lees evident, however, is the extent of the impact of revolutionized ICT on the role of modern diplomats, and how this will either aid diplomatic roles or augment them. In addition, ICT has contributed immensely towards two important elements in the conduct of diplomacy; namely space and time. Communication tools and environments have paved way towards the compression of space and time in the international political environment. For example, the attack of the twin towers in New York in September 2011 was transmitted around the world instantaneously; however, â€Å"the transmission of the news of the independence of America in (1776) to Southern America, took about the same time it took to reach England by ship†( Abeyaoonasekera and Ransinghe, 2012 p.2 ) This is the ability of ICT to narrow space and time differences between states. This essay aims to illuminate this narrative by examining the revolution of ICT in the 21st century focusing on aspects that concern modern diplomats in their functional and strategic roles. Whilst evaluating the role of revolutionized ICT in contemporary diplomacy, this essay specifically discusses the utilisation of ICT as a positive too, in diplomats achieving international relations objectives. ICT has not only created equality between players in the international political environment but it has also brought awareness to the general public. In the end, I will highlight the enormous opportunities available to diplomats and their representing countries on capitalizing on ICT. THE ICT REVOLUTION The end of the cold war brought a pragmatic restructuring and advent of two important factors: the increase in the size of the members in the state centric world system and the astronomical development in science and technology. Development in science and technology have become drivers in the international political system and knowledge of such trend in major field has become an essential prerequisite to effective international negotiation and conduct of relations by diplomats. As a result, ICT is now an unavoidable part of everyday life as well as integral element to large scale economic, social and political restructuring. Nevertheless, strategic advancement in ICT has changed the communication environment. Ranging from the first satellite, Anik 1, a Canadian satellite evolved in 1972 (Pierre, C. 2003), to internet (Formerly known as ARPANET) in 1983 and then the establishment of the World Wide Web in 1991. It has evolved to the point where instant messaging has become the norm. However, the Global system for Mobile Communication (GSM) has provided a new platform to effective and efficient communication. In addition, the World wide web, has replaced radios, telephones and televisions and has compelled them to include themselves in making the world wide web the primary source of information and communication in the world. File sharing; video conferencing, audio and visual streaming have transformed the simple presentation of information to be more complex but yet interactive, efficient and speedy. The technologized world of today has empowered citizens to constantly evaluate, and upgrade their socio, political and economic bonds. However, business communications and transactions are largely conducted using ICT. This is an era where digital signatures are gradually replacing conventional ones; where paper documentation has also taken precedence over traditional filing. Governments are catching up to the ‘digital frenzy by including information in the public domain, allowing citizens to obtain public services on line. THE EFFECTS OF ICT ON TRADITIONAL DIPLOMACY CHALLENGES A year after the transatlantic war was over in 1886 with the completion of the transatlantic cable between the United States of America and Europe, the United States formed a telegraph office to deal with the new method f communication such as telegraph in international affairs. This development in communication, accelerated diplomacy and restraine the independence excersied by diplomats, thereby centralising foreign plicy. Treaties and gareements were no longer formulated across green tables amngst diplomats with surplus tim (Gottemoelle, R. 2012). As at today, diplomats are still in the ‘catch up’ phase, whilst citizens have embraced the new technologically advanced environment. Nevertheless, the world wide web, the internet, digital imagery have changed the environment in which diplomacy operates. The three factors that enhanced the transformation of the environment in which diplomacy operates are : shrinking costs, increase in capacity, speed of application ( Grant, R. 2004). Advancements in ICT has revised conventional diplomacy, so much that the new diplomacy is known as ‘Public Diplomacy; has been pushed forward as a useful business tool in the international arena connecting diplomats not only with their counterparts but also extending to new activists such as citizens, NGOs, Journalists, etc directly communicating with them in a more sophisticated manne using tools such as image building, reputation management and multiparty dialogue to meet their foregin policy ends which may or may nt result into a compromise. Nevertheless, there is the certainty that the advent of 21st century ICT has reconstructed access to information which has automatically compelled foreign missions and diplomats to adapt to the new system and its practices, in order to protect their national interest. Conventionally, diplomats have been forced to explore methods beyond those encoded in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Missions 1961. Diplomats ae constantly trying to deal with the consequences of the development of ICT, forcefully changing their method of diplomatic conduct to adapt to the fast rising media and non-state actors who have complicated the diplomatic profession, which is now operating in a multi polar international system. Whilst citizens and the corporate world at large, have several primary roles such as collecting information, representing their home country†¦etc. THE EFFECT OF ICT ON THE ROLE OF MODERN DIPLOMATS THE POSITIVE EFFECTS OF ICT ON THE ROLE OF MODERN DIPLOMATS Being one of the earliest forms of international relations in the state, diplomats play the following roles; negotiator, mediator, information manageing, and messenger. In addition, diplomats also act in recncialiation, conflict resolution and preventive diplomacy. This section of the essay, examines these roles in details and how ICT has either contributed or augmented the service delivery. INFORMATION GATHERING Information is an essential aspect of diplomacy. Most if not all actions in iplomacy are taken based on information. Information dealt with by diplomats is highly sensitive and confidential. As a result, diplomats have the responsibility to negotiate with the sensitivity and confidentiality of information. However, ICT plays a vital role provides necessary tools to ensure efficient management. The economic, political, and social conditions and giving feedback to the headquarters remains a key role and function of a diplomat. However, this has transformed in the technologized age. Prior to this, diplomats, had the responsibility of collecting newspapers and transporting them to the foreign missions. But the information age has enabled diplomats to adopt sensitivity to local and cultural relations to provide analytics of crucial information filtered out of media and other important actors such as NGOs an the public at large byy fllowing online information dissemination and social media tols. Fact finding is no longer as tedious and difficult as it use to be. Information on demographics, is available at the beck and call of a diplomat through internet services such as goggle scholar, Wikipedia, CIA WORLD FACT Book etc. The traditional ‘diplomatic bag’ has been replaced by the use of the ‘intranet’ which can be customized to suit the extreme confidentiality levels necessary in diplomatic communications with access limitations for different level of the heierarchy. Collecting information and data from various sources via the internet and distributing and disseminating it through a structured intranet has and will compress the time and the cost factors that are involved with diplomatic information management. MEDIATION In circumstances, where a face to face dialogue will not be condiuuycive, ICT can help by not only saving time but costs and lives in most cases. Computer led communications can create a safer and non-cnfrontatinal channel of dialogue between groups. An example of this is when the Unite States institute of peace mediated an ICT led peace intitative to put a halt to a 14 year civil war in Liberia enaging Gyude Bryant, the leader of the National Transitinal Goovernment of Liberia in a virtual town hall meeting with Liberian Diaspora on the prospects of peace for the country (Radunovic, 2010). Negotiation Negotiation is an essential role of a diplomat. Bilateral and multilateral negotiaations have gained insight from ICT advancements reaping benefits from the time, space and even cost compressions that have taken place. In a post-recession era where overheads of ministries have dwindled and budgets have been e-concentrated on militarization, ICT has and will be tremendously helpful in the negotiation process. Before the actual negotiation, ICT can play a major role in re negotiation and preparation by creating new channels of information both internal and external that helps There are many situations that take place before actual negotiation between two or more parties, and the use of ICT has made each phase of the prcess mre productive. CONFLICT RESOLUTION, PREVENTIVE DIPLOMACY AND RECONCILITION Effective information sharing acts as the key to conflict resolution, reconciliation and preventive diplomacy. ICT through main stream media platforms and new media can play a big role in supporting diplomats in conflict resolution, reconcialiation and revention efforts. Most especially in situations where engagement of international actors, local activists, citizens and diaspora is necessary for the efforts to succeed, ICT can be used to create awareness and publicity for policy initiatives adpted to address core issues, to create open discussions and receive feedback on ‘state thinking’ amongst non-state actors. The Si Lankan government’s intiative through the Ministry of external Affairs is a good example where e-diplomacy has been employed to educate the Diaspora and the international community on efforts taken in reconciliation and prevention of the re-escalation of the armed conflict which ravaged the country for over thurty years. ICT AS A BOOSTER OF SOFT POWER IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Cyber pwer can be used to produce preferred outcomes within cyberspace or it can use cyber instruments to poduce preferred outcomes in other domains outside cyberspace (Nye, J, S. 2012). An enormous number of people are beginning to rely on ICT fr information ad communication. The diplomat’s audience is no longer confined to his external counterparts and internal cllegues. He is force to interact with ndviduals supplying their own souces a blogs to terrorists producing and web publishing graphic videos of killings ( Grant, R. 2004). The following are situations where ICT can be sed in achieveing two major elements of Public diplomacy RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT AMONGST KEY DIPLOMACY PLAYERS A diplomats relationship is no longer exclusive. Diplomacy has lost its exclusivity and ability to operate in insular, protected circles. Influence is no longer in a single direction i.e from diplomats to citizens. Diplomacy has become more democratized (Grant,R. 2004). Therefore, diplmats should embrace this democratization and expand their utreach and use ICT tools to manage the ld and new players in the system. Virtual deks and netwoks connecting key players such as the academia, NGOs, corporate, citizens and the Diaspora, active participation/interactions in the ‘blogsphere’ and social media can induce confidence and trust and credibility amongst the new players such as NGOs, corporate, citizens and the Diaspora, active participartin/interactions in the ‘blogsphere’ and social media can induce confidence and trust and credibility amongst the new players such as NGs and citizens wh have immense mobiliing power in the public domain. ADVANCEMENTS OF POLICY GOALS ICT has been used for advocacy amngst players such as NGOSs, interest groups etc. It is a well knwn fact that the ‘Arab springs’ which took overthrew regimes and the policy fabric of the Middle Eastern world was ably supported by new media tools. Similarly, foreign policy gals cn be lobbied by government through the use of ICT tools. The ‘CNN EFFECT’ which became popular during the Gulf war era has been put forward as an example where media has been the driver of foreign policy of one major state (Piers, R.. 2010) . ICT can be used not onlyl as a river, but also as a ‘producer’ of consent aimed at achieving policy goals of a government. (Saddiki, S. 2006) . CONCLUSION Evolution of ICT’s poses fundamental challenges to conventional diplomacy such as breaching confidentiality, promoting openness and transparency, and reducing hierarchy. Despite this, the business case for ‘virtuality’ in diplomacy and diplomatic relations is compelling in that it is more efficient and acts as a leveraging tool. The use of ICT in international relations is especially beneficial to developing countries and countires that are in post conflict resurgence situatins. Furthermore, GSM phones to satellite televisions, emails to the Wi-Fi(internet), to voice and video conferencing over skype have not only revised the way and manner diplomats view the world around them and redefined the manner in which the international environment is being conducted, there has also been an astronomical shift in the international environment. This shift has not only affected the conduct of diplomacy, but also the context in which diplomats carry out their roles. Primarily, an increase in the number of non-state actors, the involvement of citizens in both foreign and domestic foreign policy making all have an effect on the traditional state as it reduces the power of autocratic states. Notwithstanding, modern diplomats are advised to adapt quickly to the new hi-tech communication environment. Furthermore countries such as Nepal an Sri Lanka can use ICT to attract and build networks with Diaspora who have immigrated to other countries due to the country situation and encourage returnees and build broken bonds with them. Moreover, news can be presented in a more authenthic fashion with the se f new media platforms rather than the run of the mill press conferences and statements ssued in connection. ICT can not only be used for its functional benefits but also strategically as an advertisement platform of a ountry;s competencies, socio political and economic ideals and realities As mentioned earlier, diplomacy has been democratized by the onslaught of technological advancements . This democratization should be seen as an advantage and not otherwise. In essence, democratization coupled with the decentralization of information has helped forecast events in the international sector gearing diplomats to formulate responses beforehand rather than ‘fire fighting’ during and in the aftermath of an event. Considering all this determinant factors and obvious changes, it is important that diplomats take note of the technological developments and get in to line with the information environment created y them to prevent redundancy in the ICT age. Developing countries, ought to take a step and reassess and analyse the training programmes made available for diplomats in ICTS. In addition, developing states such as Sudan, ought to see ICT should be seen as ‘a blessing in disguise’ that will strengthen their diplomats to overcome either socioeconomic or political challnges that are thrown their way in the path of development.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Confusion and Personal Identity in Rip Van Winkle Essay -- Rip Van Win

   Rip Van Winkle tells the story of a man who, on a trek into the Kaatskill mountains, mysteriously sleeps away twenty years of his life during the Revolutionary War. When he returns home, he finds that things have dramatically changed; King George no longer has control over the colonies, and many of his friends have either died or left town. At this point, the story reaches its climax, where Van Winkle realizes that his life may be forever changed. To this point, Rip Van Winkle has had only to deal with the change in his surroundings. Having no doubts about his personal character, his fears remain singular only briefly, for when the crowd points to a man whom they call Rip Van Winkle, he begins to question his being as well. "I'm not myself-I'm somebody else-that's me yonder-no-that's somebody else, got into my shoes..." Frustration has set in by this point, as our hero Rip cannot explain the events that have happened to him. In one night, his world had drastically changed, and no logical explanation can be found. The larger issue at hand, though, is the identity crisis that Van Winkle is suffering. Upon a detailed analysis of this climactic section, two dominating themes are found: confusion and the issue of personal identity. There are constant references to these ideas throughout the selection. That Van Winkle is confused seems obvious and is quite understandable, but this confusion extends beyond the bizarre sequence of events encountered. When Rip notices the person that the township refers to as Rip Van Winkle, it is as though he is looking into a mirror, for this person portrays a "precise counterpoint of himself." Although Rip visually sees this other person, his examination becomes a personal reflect... ...oncerns over which groups would provide leadership for the masses, and how those masses were to be represented. Men like Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin, who had provided great leadership for this fledgling nation, were leaving the fate of America in new hands. The pessimists voiced their opinions, but there was a great feeling off optimism as the Industrial Revolution began to harbor its effects throughout the United States and the world. The issue of identity seemed a pertinent issue at the time. In this story, Rip Van Winkle's search for identity provides, perhaps, the most stimulating aspect of the story. In the selected passage, we see his character go through tremendous emotional changes. In only one paragraph, we watch his life unfold as he searches for the inner truth that he had been denying. In one paragraph, we watched a man find himself.   

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Vegetables - Its Whats for Dinner Essay -- Vegetarianism Vegetarian

Vegetables - It's What's for Dinner James Garner, a washed-up hollywood celebrity, was paid by the meat board to tout beef as, "Real food for real people." In April of 1988, James Garner underwent a quintuple coronary artery bypass surgery (Realities 1989). This is just one of the shocking side effects of consumption of meat. "The practice of vegetarianism involves eating vegetable products and not consuming meat, fish, and in many instances, egg and dairy products." ("Vegetarianism"). Thus, a vegetarian diet can benefit individuals as well as the world. Vegetarianism is a very healthy, environmentally aware, animal friendly lifestyle. There are three major types of vegetarians. Lacto-ovo-vegetarians do not eat meat, but will consume dairy and egg products. Lacto-vegetarians do not eat meat or eggs, but will consume dairy products. Vegans consume no animal products of any kind (Farley, 12). In most cases, Vegans avoid leather, fur, wool, silk and other products made from animals. Advocacy of a non-meat diet, dates back to the middle of the first millennium. In fact, the first recorded teachings of non-meat diets, are the teachings of Pythagoras of Samos around five hundred and thirty b.c. From Plato onward, many Roman and Greek philosophers and writers advocated vegetarianism as an ethical way of life. Also, during the humanitarianism of the 17th and 18th centuries, sensitiveness to animal suffering began ("Vegetarianism"). Vegetarianism has firm roots in religion. It was practiced originally in connection with religious purification rituals. Many religious groups follow vegetarian diets. They consider eating flesh gluttonous, cruel and wasteful. In the Roman Catholic Church, Trappist monks have practiced vegetarianism... ...ion. Most horrifying is the fact that bulls raised for food production are often castrated without any type of anesthesia or pain-killers. Veal calves are force-fed and iron deficient, anemia-producing diet, never solid foods. (The Vegetarian Youth Network). Its quite obvious that a vegetarian diet for the whole world can benefit mankind and animals. Works Cited The Crazy Vegetarian. [Online] Farley, D. "More People Trying Vegetarian Diets." FDA Consumer Oct.1995:10- 13. Quick, S. "Eating Vegetarian? How to do it the Healthy Way." Glamour Sept. 1995:64. Realities 1989. [Online] Vegan Action. [Online] Vegetarian Youth Network. [Online] "Vegetarianism." Compton's Encyclopedia 1995ed.

Friday, October 11, 2019

GCSE Dance Extended Notes

I chose this piece of music because of the clear-cut and established structure, which helped mark certain moments of my dance and distinguish each section from one an other. Instead of the background music being accompanied by actual words, after the main build up of the song a woman can be heard singing strange hypnotic noises. I think this compliments the idea of freedom in the second part of my dance, because now my persona is free of oppression they can express themselves in whatever way they want to, like the woman singing in the piece of music. It is noticeable that before, and including the build up to the singing woman that the music is very repetitive. When played along to my dance, I thought it represented the monotony of a slave's life. However, what could be also heard in the build up was a glimmer of endearing hope, because even though the music represented sadness, the tone stayed bright throughout. In the first section of the dace I wanted to show snippets of the slave's usual day. I also wanted to keep the energy in the dance gentle and keep a minimum amount of strong energy in it. This is because I waned the audience to relate to the feeling of being confined and ordered around. Also, it mainly focuses on the idea of freedom being in the form of hope inside the personas head, rather than freedom being expressed in movements which would be associated with such an idea. I begin at centre stage on the floor curled up in a ball to symbolise the small space the slave is kept in, then ease myself of the floor in a swift manner, keeping my head in front of the rest of my body. This shows the audience that the slave is being dragged out of bed in a hostile manner. I began to inject the fear the slave has on their master into the dance by covering my face with my hands, as one would usually do if they are trying to hide or if they are anticipating physical aggression. I start to travel to downstage right taking large strides and stumbling with every step to show the slave being pushed towards the fields to work. I kept the levels in which I was performing low which emphasises the slave's inferiority when compared to their master. After three or so strides I immediately begin to use a repeated gesture, which gives the impression of the slave being forced into labour on the field. I right raise my left arm and when that arm reaches its peak height I bring my opposite arm up in the air to meet and bring them back down towards the ground whilst lurching forwards. This represents the slave working in a field with some sort of tool, which I envision to be a tool for picking at soil. In addition, the heavy lurch forward helps me to symbolise the constant presence of oppression. For the part in the first section where the slave tries to retaliate, I wanted to use movements which would put importance on the levels used in this particular section. This is because it defined the relationship between the slave and their master, and this was especially important as the audience could not see the master's actions for themselves-this had to be portrayed in the movements of the slave. In this moment in the dance the slave tries to fight for freedom. I use gestures such as a clenched fist to show my persona is willing to fight oppression, and rise on the tip toes to create a high level, which symbolises rising against the master. However, I soon cover my face with my hands again and leap backwards in recoil as the slave is overcome with the power of the master. After unsuccessfully trying to stick up of oneself, the slave drops to the floor, to a low level. This new level, lower than the audience has seen the slave before helps to emphasise how lowly the slave is thought of by themselves and their master. I then raise my arms and then bring them back down to my chest resting my flat palms against the other, and this represents the hope the slave still feels even after being beaten by their master. I keep my body shape compressed into an angular shape whilst lying down on the floor, which shows my persona resting before quickly reaching up with their hands to the sky but then being pushed back down to the floor. I repeat this movement several times to convey the idea of perseverance coming from the slave. I also included some movement pieces such as twisting my body around so my stomach faced upwards, and also sliding my body across the floor. After these movements I swivel around into a kneeling position and clench my fists again and then punch them into the floor below me. This is again to convey perseverance and to let the audience understand, the slave has not given up their fight for freedom. The transition from section A to section B is very clear as the music transforms into a free drifting melodic chime with violin ___ in the foreground. Here, in this transaction, is where I tried to convey the journey to emancipation. I used a lot of space in this travelling sequence by running around in a circular pathway, because I wanted to show the slave trying to break free of their master's strict reign. Whilst running through my circular pathway, I held my right arm out to convey the idea of the slave trying to make the most of the new found space around them. In section B I wanted to mainly use movements that symbolised freedom instead of the daily routines of the slave. After running around in the circular pathway, I lurch forward at the build up of the dance making a fist with my hand, as here I wanted to include one of my dance motifs. For another one of my movements I stand on my tip toes and make a v shape with my arms to represent my persona basking in the space all around them. I have experimented with a number of movements in the next parts of the dance, because I wanted to show that my persona is free to try out new things and be themselves. I leap onto the floor which is supposed to represent a giddy action of joy and then soon return to a standing position. I further try new moves which the audience hasn't seen before. For example, I bend into a hunched position and then jump whilst swinging my arms past my legs. I finish the dance with a final lurch forward and repeat one of my dance motifs with a raising of my arms in a v shape. Key positions 1. Fighting- This position is very varied through my dance throughout my whole dance, and can consequently go unnoticed just like the inner strength of a person-which can't always be seen by others. The position represents the perseverance of my persona, and their unwillingness to give up fighting oppression. In section A of the dance, this position can be seen when my persona stands up to their master and also when they are crouching down on a low level and they slam their fists down to the floor. I wanted to use this a reminder that even though my persona has been beaten many times, they are not going to give up their search for freedom. Prayer- This position also varies throughout the dance to show hope and faith, and this also ties with my first motif 3. Freedom- This is my main motif which has been developed with different levels and dynamics. The main meaning of this position is the act of embracing freedom. I performed this gesture relatively weakly in terms of dynamics, in section one. The reason for this was because my persona, the slave couldn't fully embrace freedom under the rule of a master. To make this move effective in the first section, I used a range sad facial expressions in order to increase my projection to the audience. It was important, this movement stood out to the audience as it fully represents one of the fundamental ideas behind my dance idea whim is emancipation. In the final section, this movement is seen very differently. For example, the pace in which the movement is performed is quicker and at times, at a higher level. For example, when the music reaches is climax and I break into the freedom movements; I rise up on my tip toes performing the movement with a strong energy. This is because I wanted to show the audience how exhilarating freedom feels my persona. Also, I wanted the developed motif to juxtapose against the one I used in the first section. Evaluation I decided to create my dance around the original motifs I came up with, these were mainly gestures which represented frustration, desperation, hope and of course, freedom. The movement materials I came up with next derived from my original starting point which was the diary of a slave who was involved in the West Indian Slave Trade. Once I was happy with my ideas I listened to the music I intended to dance to and let my mind create possible moves in the dance. I interpreted my music to have three sections, the first is the base, the second is the build up and the final section I labelled the pinnacle part of the piece. I fit this in with my dance having the first section as the one where my persona is being oppressed and calling this section A, having the second section of the music transform into a transition between the previous section and the one to follow, and finally having the last section of the music as my section B, where the slave is at last emancipated. I think the movements I used in section A informed the audience of my dance idea more than the movements in section B. I think this because, in section A, I used more realistic movements whereas in section A my dance material was more towards the abstract spectrum in order to communicate the feeling and idea of freedom rather than what one might do if they were free. This was effective in my point of view, because it broke up the dance and I thought it was refreshing to watch a piece that was both slightly surreal and realistic at the same time. It also kept my imagination flowing as I was never bored when concocting the next part of my dance, as I could use a new or different dance technique that I had not used before. I was very pleased with how section A turned out, because I think it communicated the hardships of being a slave, and already, so early in the dance I could see the personality of my persona coming through. I used all of my main movements in the beginning without crowding the first section or overcrowding other movements. Section B was a slight struggle for me as I wanted to use large, strong, dramatic movements but the ones I had created in my head were hard to physically perform. For example, the leaps I wanted to do were not doable in my range of skill. However, I overcame this by performing small leaps but with the maximum amount of energy I could exert into it. If I could work on this dance further I would love to explore my persona actual journey to emancipation in much more detail; I feel their story had to be cut short due to time and I think their is a lot more that could be told. Another reason for this is that I want to delve deeper into the hardships fighting for freedom brings, as I think I definitely skimmed over that aspect in my dance. Also, I would like to edit the music, as it is too long for my dance. Overall, I think I communicated the main idea of my dance clearly. Aided by my motif developments, I think the movements I used reflected the emotions of persona as well.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Bat Mitzvah Thank You Speach Essay

I’m am very happy to stand up here in my synagogue as I become Bat Mitzvah knowing that my family has been a part of tbs for many many years. There have been many celebrations on this Bima including my parents wedding and my Dad’s Bar Mitzvah. And, now it’s my turn! Through all the help of my Hebrew School teachers I have not only learned the skills to prepare me for my Bat Mitzvah day but have learned the important mitzvot or commandments of being Jewish. One of those mitzvot is Tikun Olam or making the world a better place. In the next couple of months I will be working on my Mitzvah project. I will be collecting boxes of colored pencils to donate to the unique organization, The Color Pencil Project. This organization is a non-profit organization created to increase the access of art supplies to children in developing countries. I hope you will help me support this wonderful cause. I could not get to this point in my life without the help of many people. So, first off I would like to thank all my family and friends who helped and participated in the service, especially those who have come a great distance to celebrate with me. Thank you to all my Hebrew school teachers especially Morah Sarah who had to deal with me for three years, lead the service Friday night and made my beautiful Tallis. Thank you to Rabbi Scolnic for his support, understanding and guidance. And a big shout out to Marcie (aka Marcielino), for not only being my Halftorah tutor but for being my friend and always having faith in me. btw, stickle it, just a little bit) Thank you Aunt Leslie and Uncle Paul for searching high and low in Jerusalem to find me the perfect Jewish start necklace that I am wearing today! Thank you to Aunt Sharon for having patience and taking me dress shopping and allowing me to borrow these stunning shoes. Thank you to Marissa for being the best cousin and encouraging me to try on my party dress. Thank you to my Grandma for knitting me my Ya lmukah that I will cherish forever. And to my sister, Jess, you have been really patient†¦ not always by chose but, still sat there while I sang my halftorah or doing my work. shes a pretty* good sister for a 17 year old and I love her very berry much(this is where you awww). oh and the most special thank you of them all, to my parents. cant forget that. if my parents weren’t here encouraging me i would honestly only know about 3 verses of the halftorah. I wouldn’t be standing here today without their support and love.